Karen RohanTue Jun 04 20191 min read

Official Trailer Release!

The Playing Gods trailer has been officially released on Youtube and GraphicAudio! You may have heard whispers of something big in the works (especially if you've been listening to GA's 'All In Your Mind' podcast), and this is it! This trailer is also being released with the official announcement of Book 2: Adaptation, which is now up for pre-order and will be released soon!

The trailer was a long time in the making. We dreamed up the crazy idea of doing this back in 2014, before the first book was even released. And then we had the even crazier idea of actually doing it! It took two and a half years of dedicated work for me to finish drawing and animating the entire thing, not including the hours poured into it by Chris, Dave, and Rick to do the sound design, voice acting, and vocal directing respectively. A lot of time and heart was poured into this and we hope you enjoyed the result!

Thank you all ever so much for your support, your comments, your fanworks, and for giving our little passion projects your time and/or money. We are very humbled and grateful for the overwhelmingly positive response we have received. The Omniverse is better with you in it.

See you soon, in Book 2!

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